Starlight Women

Empowering Women ​and Girls Across ​African countries

Promoting representation, inclusion, and ​education for marginalized women and ​girls.

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About Us

Starlight Women is a dedicated non-profit organization, ​committed to empowering marginalized women and ​girls across Africa. We were founded in November, ​2021 in Berlin, Germany. Our aim is to promote ​representation, amplify voices for inclusion, and ​support girl child education and empowerment. ​Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to ​create a world where every woman and girl can reach ​her full potential and contribute meaningfully to her ​community

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Starlight Women is dedicated to ​empowering marginalized ​women and girls across Africa ​through education, advocacy, ​and inclusive representation. ​We strive to amplify their ​voices, foster equality, and ​provide the necessary resources ​and support to ensure they ​achieve their full potential.


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Starlight Women envisions a world ​where every woman and girl, ​regardless of her background, has ​the opportunity to thrive, be ​heard, and contribute ​meaningfully to our society. We ​aim to create a future where ​gender equality is a reality, and ​every girl has access to education ​and empowerment.

Core Values

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  • Empowerment
  • Inclusion
  • Education
  • Advocacy
  • Integrity
  • Collaboration
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Support Us

You can be of tremendous ​help through sharing your ​skills on EVENT, ​MENTORSHIP, SKILL ​ACQUISITION, etc. Fill out ​our volunteer form to get ​started and become part of a ​community committed to ​positive change. Together, we ​can create a brighter future.

Your donation to Starlight ​Women helps in organizing ​programs that empower ​marginalized women and girls ​across Africa such as promoting ​education, inclusion, etc. With ​your help, we can promote ​education, inclusion, and create ​lasting change in communities ​that need it most.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from ​you! Whether you have ​questions, need more ​information, or want ​to get involved, feel ​free to reach out to ​us.

Tel: +49 176 7050 6724

Facebook: Starlight Women


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© 2024 Starlight Women